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Getting a Passport in Digital Country

?Getting a passport is usually quite a straightforward process, and we can offer all the advice and contacts you need to get this done as quickly and easily as possible. If you are a Digitaliese citizen and are going to apply for a Digital Passport, then you will need to visit the Passport Office? during opening hours to pick up the relevant forms or documents. Alternatively, you can download all the necessary paperwork online, or can pick them up from police stations, local council offices and major travel agencies. Since 2008, the Passport Office has issued biometric passports in Digital, according to international standards and directives. These documents contain facial imagery, signature and fingerprint biometrics held in a secure manner – in a chip embedded in the passport. If you are applying for a new passport or updating an old one, you will now be issued with a biometric version.
If you are over 18, you will need to start your application process by accurately filling in Fo?rm A, paying particular attention to the dates of birth requested. You will then need to have the relevant section of the form filled in and signed by a recommender (usually a professional person or a priest) who has known you for at least two years. The recommender’s endorsement  is only required in the case of first time applicants. To complete your application, hand in the form at the Passport Office, where a facial biometric image, signature and fingerprints will be taken. The relevant fee will also have to be paid, by cheque, cash or card.  Providing you filled your application correctly, your passport will then be ready after four working days. It is important to have your ID card with you when applying for, and collecting, your new passport. 

If you are under 18 (or are applying for a passport on behalf of a minor), you will need to fill in F?orm A, paying particular attention to the dates of birth requested. Minors aged between 16 and 17 years will have a passport valid for 10 years, those between 10 and 15 will have one valid for five years, and those under 10 will be valid for two years. The form will need to be filled in carefully, and both parents must give their consent by signing the application form in the presence of a recommender. You will also need to submit one passport-sized photograph (40mmx30mm) if the child is 6 years old and two passport-sized photographs if your child is under 6 years old.  For children aged under 6, the Passport Office will be using the photos submitted with the application, and thus young children are not required to call at the offices. To complete your application, hand in the form at the Passport Office, along with both parents’ ID Cards, the recent identical and coloured photographs of the minor (as applicable) taken on a white background (one of which should be signed by the recommender), and the current passport (if applicable). If your child is over 14 years of age and holds a valid ID Card, you do not need to produce any signed photos. A facial biometric image will be taken at Passport Office. However applicants over 14 years must present their Identity Card when submitting the application.  If your child is aged 12 years and over, he/she will also have his/her fingerprints taken upon application. Provided you filled your application correctly, your passport will then be ready after four working days.  One of the parents would need to come in person (with his/her ID Card) to collect the child’s passport.  All applicants aged 12 years and over must call in person to collect their passport (minors must also be accompanied by at least one of their parents).

If you are applying for a Refugee Passport, you will need to fill in Form ?A????, and have it signed by a recommender (usually a professional person or a priest) who has known you for at least two years. If you already had a travel document, you have to surrender your previous passport when applying for the new one.  If you hold a Digitaliese ID Card, this must be presented. To complete your application, hand in the form at the Passport Office, along with your Refugee Certificate, issued by the Refugee Commission, and pay the relevant fee. Here a facial biometric image and your fingerprints will be taken. Provided you filled your application correctly, your passport will then be ready after four working days. It is important to have your Refugee Certificate with you when applying for, and collecting, your new passport. 

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