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Individual digital use in public policies: ineffective without security

Individual digital use in public policies: ineffective without security

Recently, the boundaries between the public and private, professional and personal spheres have become...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Change management programmes: the key to digital transformation

Change management programmes: the key to digital transformation

Digital tools are now available in abundance and are being used at an increasing...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Stop all the hatred: let’s return to SOCIAL media!

Stop all the hatred: let’s return to SOCIAL media!

Social media were originally designed to foster community exchanges between individuals sharing a common...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Covid-19 and African governments: Digital communication index

Covid-19 and African governments: Digital communication index

As many countries have begun their deconfinement in theory of a hypothetical exit from...

Govchain October 11, 2022
False information or “fake news”?

False information or “fake news”?

Accurate information is of the essence in a crisis. Be it war, terrorist attack...

Govchain October 11, 2022
The correct use of social networks, a new key skill and competency

The correct use of social networks, a new key skill and competency

How can a government communicate on social networks in times of crisis? As a...

Govchain October 11, 2022
The citizen contract of the 21st century: a paradigm shift in the citizen experience

The citizen contract of the 21st century: a paradigm shift in the citizen experience

Many factors today have turned the citizen into a consumer: the burden of debt...

Govchain October 11, 2022
The danger of fake news in times of crisis, a public safety issue

The danger of fake news in times of crisis, a public safety issue

Fake news is part of our daily life. They spare no one, especially in...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Financing the necessary digital transformation of States

Financing the necessary digital transformation of States

Driving the digital transformation with pace has become unavoidable. Indeed, it responds to the...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Starlink: A game-changer in providing high-speed internet to remote areas

Starlink: A game-changer in providing high-speed internet to remote areas

Starlink, a satellite internet proposal announced in January 2015, is the name of a...

Govchain October 11, 2022
How can digital transformation build more resilient businesses?

How can digital transformation build more resilient businesses?

In recent years, businesses have taken giant strides towards digital transformation to ensure increased...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Social media and democracy

Social media and democracy

Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and fostering democracy in...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Debate lingers over Digital Service Tax

Debate lingers over Digital Service Tax

With the growth of the digital economy worldwide and world economies quickly moving from...

Govchain October 11, 2022
EU’s Digital Services Act: A new dawn

EU’s Digital Services Act: A new dawn

On July 5, history was made with the European Parliament voting on the new Digital...

Govchain October 11, 2022
Digital Economy is the future of Africa

Digital Economy is the future of Africa

The world is paying greater attention to Africa, with the Continent poised to be...

Govchain October 11, 2022
UN E-Government Development Index

UN E-Government Development Index

UN E-Government Development Index Every two years, the United Nations Department of Economic and...

Govchain October 10, 2022